Acabei de ver no youtube, pela 1ª vez, o Sting em "The last ship", aconselhado por um dos meus poucos grandes amigos, o José Azevedo. Isto, claro, depois de ter ouvido dezenas de vezes o álbum, igualmente por ele aconselhado.
É diferente. O disco é muito bom. O video é melhor e, por isso, inqualificável, no melhor sentido!
Desde há duas ou três dezenas de anos, sem exagero, que um disco / video não me impressionava tanto. Aliás, desde os meus tempos de adolescência com o Elton John, o Simon and Garfunkel, os Moody Blues, os Led Zeppelin, Slade ou Procul Harum que não tinha um gozo tão nostálgico com um álbum. A pele de galinha que em duas ou três músicas (ainda!) chega a eclodir, sucessivamente, é daquilo testemunha...
E porquê?
Antes de mais a genuinidade da apresentação de Sting ao longo do espectáculo, sem truques, esgares ou trejeitos parvos que mesclam e minam a generalidade das apresentações de hoje em dia.

I just saw on youtube, and for the first time, Sting in "The Last Ship", at The Public Theatre, advised by one of my few great friends, José Azevedo. This, of course, after having heard the album dozens of times, also advised by him.
It's different. The sound / record is very good. The video is far much better, and therefore unspeakable, in the best sense!
For two or three decades that a record / video was not that impressive to me. In fact, from my teenage years with Elton John, Simon and Garfunkel, Moody Blues, Led Zeppelin, Slade or Procul Harum that i did not have such a nostalgic enjoyment of an album. The shivers going down my spine in two or three songs (still!) can prove it ...
The great virtue of a set of compositions like those that Sting created in the album "The last ship", is to give the possibility of living and enjoying a good moment, and to allow us to think that not everything is lost in this world that we insist on reinventing.
And why?
First of all, the genuineness of Sting's performance throughout the show, with no tricks or silly faces or other stupid choreographies that blend and undermine the bulk of today's presentations.
Referring to the creation of something like this record for the place where it was born and, in this case, for shipyards of large ships ("Shipyard" with choirs should be heard only on special occasions ...) is, first of all, something increasingly rare, for the disappearance of the environments in question. Afterwards, it is a huge compliment to the poor community to which he belongs, and of which he has a huge pride (Dead man's boots).
Then there are the lyrics, the genuine pronunciation, the habits, the staging of the song (the praxes to the novices in "Sky hooks and tartain paint"), the surgical suspensions, the musical plot, everything carefully planned, with voids integrally filled with choirs, musicians (5 brothers - The Wilson Family) and "genuine" instruments. It must have been hours and hours to imagine the best way to praise a whole set of people and scenarios that marked it. Just try to read the musical score of "the last ship" to see the care and commitment that was put into the making of the album.
It is undoubtedly a hymn to music, to composition, but above all, to a special brand of people from early and middle XX century, who left their mark on history.
When I see the ethereal and elusive (d) effects of the world we live in, listening to a record like and seeing Sting and his friends, brings me a unique and once forgotten sensation of calm, but also a slight hope that yet all is not lost to the ensuing ones ...
Remeter a criação de algo como este disco para o lugar em que se nasceu e, no caso em apreço, para os estaleiros de grandes navios ("Shipyard" com os coros deveriam ser ouvidos apenas em ocasiões especiais...) é, antes de mais, algo cada vez mais raro pelo desaparecimento dos ambientes em questão. Depois, é um enorme elogio à comunidade pobre de que se fez parte, mas da qual se tem um enorme orgulho (Dead man's boots) .
São as letras, a pronúncia genuína, os hábitos, a representação da letra (as praxes aos novatos em "Sky hooks and tartan paint"), as suspensões cirúrgicas, o enredo musical, tudo cuidado e com os vazios integralmente preenchidos com coros, músicos (5 irmãos - The Wilson Family) e instrumentos "genuínos". Deverão ter sido horas e horas a imaginar a melhor maneira de elogiar todo um conjunto de gentes e cenários que o marcaram. Basta (Tentar) ler a pauta do "the last ship" para se perceber o carinho, o cuidado e o empenho que se colocou na feitura do álbum.
São as letras, a pronúncia genuína, os hábitos, a representação da letra (as praxes aos novatos em "Sky hooks and tartan paint"), as suspensões cirúrgicas, o enredo musical, tudo cuidado e com os vazios integralmente preenchidos com coros, músicos (5 irmãos - The Wilson Family) e instrumentos "genuínos". Deverão ter sido horas e horas a imaginar a melhor maneira de elogiar todo um conjunto de gentes e cenários que o marcaram. Basta (Tentar) ler a pauta do "the last ship" para se perceber o carinho, o cuidado e o empenho que se colocou na feitura do álbum.
É, sem dúvida, um hino à música, à composição, mas sobretudo, a gentes de outros tempos que deixaram a sua marca na História.
Quando vejo os etéreos e fugidios (d)efeitos do mundo em que vivemos, ouvir um disco como este traz-me um descanso único e há uns tempos esquecido, mas também uma ligeira esperança de que ainda nem tudo está perdido para os que se seguem...

I just saw on youtube, and for the first time, Sting in "The Last Ship", at The Public Theatre, advised by one of my few great friends, José Azevedo. This, of course, after having heard the album dozens of times, also advised by him.
It's different. The sound / record is very good. The video is far much better, and therefore unspeakable, in the best sense!
For two or three decades that a record / video was not that impressive to me. In fact, from my teenage years with Elton John, Simon and Garfunkel, Moody Blues, Led Zeppelin, Slade or Procul Harum that i did not have such a nostalgic enjoyment of an album. The shivers going down my spine in two or three songs (still!) can prove it ...
The great virtue of a set of compositions like those that Sting created in the album "The last ship", is to give the possibility of living and enjoying a good moment, and to allow us to think that not everything is lost in this world that we insist on reinventing.
And why?
First of all, the genuineness of Sting's performance throughout the show, with no tricks or silly faces or other stupid choreographies that blend and undermine the bulk of today's presentations.
Referring to the creation of something like this record for the place where it was born and, in this case, for shipyards of large ships ("Shipyard" with choirs should be heard only on special occasions ...) is, first of all, something increasingly rare, for the disappearance of the environments in question. Afterwards, it is a huge compliment to the poor community to which he belongs, and of which he has a huge pride (Dead man's boots).
Then there are the lyrics, the genuine pronunciation, the habits, the staging of the song (the praxes to the novices in "Sky hooks and tartain paint"), the surgical suspensions, the musical plot, everything carefully planned, with voids integrally filled with choirs, musicians (5 brothers - The Wilson Family) and "genuine" instruments. It must have been hours and hours to imagine the best way to praise a whole set of people and scenarios that marked it. Just try to read the musical score of "the last ship" to see the care and commitment that was put into the making of the album.
It is undoubtedly a hymn to music, to composition, but above all, to a special brand of people from early and middle XX century, who left their mark on history.
When I see the ethereal and elusive (d) effects of the world we live in, listening to a record like and seeing Sting and his friends, brings me a unique and once forgotten sensation of calm, but also a slight hope that yet all is not lost to the ensuing ones ...
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