LBC : 1-Was it necessary for Trump to be elected for "ex-men" to stop competing with women? Yes, it was!
2 - Is it true that this really happened? Seriously??
(personal underlines)
Donald Trump is liberating the US from the transgender madness

I thought Donald Trump was a woman-hater? The Guardian told us he’s a ‘far-right misogynist’ whose return to the White House would strike ‘visceral horror’ into the hearts of women everywhere. He’s the ‘misogynist in chief’, said CNN. Perhaps someone could explain, then, why he just signed an executive order in favour of women’s rights while surrounded by a joyous throng of beaming girls?
The scenes in the White House yesterday were extraordinary. Trump signed an order titled ‘Keeping Men Out of Women’s Sports’. It commands every educational institution and athletic association that receives federal funding to keep blokes, however they identify, away from female sports. A swarm of sportswomen and giddy schoolgirls watched as Trump put pen to paper. They whooped and cheered. Their glee was infectious.
The order is searingly feminist. It’s a manifesto against misogyny. Allowing biological males to compete against women is ‘demeaning, unfair and dangerous’, it says. It robs women and girls of the ‘equal opportunity’ to ‘excel in competitive sports’. This madness ends right now, Trump decreed. No longer will the women and girls of America suffer such ‘endangerment, humiliation and silencing’.
If I had a bra I’d burn it in solidarity with this momentous blow for women’s liberty. Everyone with a moral conscience – or just a GCSE in biology – knows it is nuts to let men box women and sprint against women and even use women’s changing rooms. Yet all of that happened in the holy name of transgenderism. Born males punched women, stole their gold medals and swanned about in their changing rooms, and we were all expected to say: ‘Yay! Trans rights!’
America is liberating itself from such lunacy. Courtesy of the ‘misogynist in chief’, female sports are now for females only. Their locker-rooms, too: Trump’s order insists that ‘all-female locker-rooms’ be ‘affirmatively protected’ from the presence of men, thus ensuring ‘privacy’ for women and girls. No wonder those girls in the White House looked so sunny and elated: no longer will they suffer the indignity of sharing their sports fields and changing areas with hulking teenage boys.
It feels like we are witnessing the restoration of reason. Where the previous administration sang the praises of a male TikToker for ‘living authentically’ as a ‘girl’ – I’m not making this up – the new administration fights for the right of real girls to enjoy dude-free sports and spaces. Yet we’re meant to believe Joe Biden’s government was lovely and liberal while Trump’s is borderline fascist. Sorry, we’re not buying it anymore.
America is marching from the left’s dark age of cranky moral relativism into the blinking sunshine of rationality. We will no longer overlook the ‘fundamental biological truth’ of sex, says Trump’s order. America, it says, will rebuild ‘fairness [and] dignity’ for women and girls and stand up for ‘truth’ itself. It’s a mini-enlightenment, the euphoric knocking down of the post-truth, post-sex mania of identity politics that spread like a contagion through the ruling classes of the Western world.
Of course, some still cling to their neo-religious convictions. Behold the BBC headline accusing Trump of ‘banning transgender women from female sports’. These are Kafkaesque levels of moral distortion. Trump is not attacking ‘trans women’ – he’s defending women. Imagine how much of the Kool-Aid you’d need to have swigged to think it’s a bad thing to state biological facts and do right by womankind. Dressing up a defence of women’s liberty as an assault on ‘trans rights’ is precisely how we got into this mess in the first place.
It is a testament to the madness of our historic moment that it feels revolutionary to hear a world leader say ‘boys and girls are different’ – a truth even our benighted ancestors of the Stone Age knew. But here we are. Of course, Trump did not arrive at his pro-woman position all by himself. Heroic figures like the American swimmer Riley Gaines, our very own Sharron Davies, tennis legend Martina Navratilova, organisations like Fair Play for Women and many others have been beating the drum for women’s sports for years. They were defamed as bigots, fools and phobes, yet they persevered, motored by a belief that girls deserve a fair shot at sport. Their tenacity paid off. Things are changing.
But Trump said ‘Grab ’em by the pussy!’, some will cry. I don’t care. I really don’t. I prefer to judge leaders by their actions in the here and now rather than by some secretly recorded crap they spouted literally 19 years ago. Yesterday, Trump did more for women with one swipe of his pen than many of his pussy-hatted critics have ever done. To see what it means, just look at the faces of those girls who surrounded him.
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